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R&S®GB2000 Remote Control Unit
Категория - Радио оборудование
Официальный сайт Rohde & Schwarz (Германия) :
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Remote control for detached operationKey Facts Remote Control Unit R&S®GB2000 enables the remote control of all transceivers of the R&S®XK2000 family. The use of R&S®GB2000 is recommended whenever detached operation – also over any distance – is required because of reasons of space or system layout (central control unit and radio equipmentare at different locations). An integrated,serial and bus-compatible interface affords point-to-point and addressable operation for up to 99 radios in a system. For more than 10 radios line drivers must be provided. At distancesless than 100 m (between R&S®GB... and R&S®XK...) a 3-core screened cable is sufficient. As far as the front-panel layout and operating concept are concerned Remote Control Unit R&S®GB 2000 is identical with the local operationof Transceiver R&S®XK2100 and Receiver/ Exciter R&S®GX2900. An optionalswivel adapter allows the operator to make adjustments for optimal viewing angle and ergonomic operation.
Features & Benefits
- Layout and function of control and display elements are identical to the local front panel
- Remote control of all functions (operation, programming and configuration)
- Simultaneous connection of local (front panel) and remote unit (R&S®GB2000 or PC) possible
- Remote control over any distance via telephone or directional radio-channels by means of line modems or VFT modems
- Very good system flexibility due to easy configuration of various AF and PTT assignments, serial control ports, hardware or software actuation of PTT
- Robust and splash-proof design, dustprotected front panel (IP 54 protection), rugged case (IP 42), optional IP 54 protection available on request
- Remote operated ALE (to FED-STD-1045) operation
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