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GEFRAN 10236 ADV200 System Turnkey cabinet solutions
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В нашей компании вы можете выбрать и купить GEFRAN 10236 ADV200 System Turnkey cabinet solutions, а также другие запчасти от
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The ADV200 System is a range of panel-mounted inverters designed as a compact, ready-for-use solution fully compatible with the maximum operating conditions of the drive. During conformance testing, we therefore paid particular attention to ensuring absolute compliance of the panels with all legal requirements. Savings in terms of installation space and assembly and commissioning times, the guarantee of functionality and certified compliance with legal requirements are the main advantages of the Gefran panel-mounted solution. Special care was also taken in designing the HW to meet the requirements of the applicable standards relating to the servicing and maintenance of electrical panels. These specify the need to perform inspections at regular intervals and, in particular, to check the tightness of all power connection bolts and screws. All power sections and the relative connections on Gefran panels can be accessed from the front. There is therefore no need for access from the back or for the use of any special tools.Inverter panels from 90 kW to 1.2 MW 3-phase power supply:
- 400 V – 15% &hellip,. 480 V +10%
- 500 V – 10% &hellip,. 690 V +10%
- 50 Hz – 2% &hellip,. 60 Hz +2%
- IP31 – 40°C (unless otherwise specified in the catalogue)
- IP54 – 35°C (unless otherwise specified in the catalogue)
- CE: compliant with the EEC low voltage equipment directive
- EMC: compliant with EEC directive – EN 61800-3
- Panels built in accordance with IEC EN 50178 and IEC EN 60204-1
- Ready to use
- Basic
- Sizing for low overload currents (Light Duty)
- Sizing for high overload currents (High Duty)
- Automatic line circuit breaker with minimum voltage coil
- Emergency circuit with safety relay
- ADV200 inverters with integrated EMC filters (compliant with EEC Directive - EN61800-3)
- Line choke (integrated as standard in ADV200 inverters up to size 132 kW, external for bigger sizes)
- Fast-acting fuses to protect inverter modules for sizes from 400 kW in the High Duty version and 500 kW in the Light Duty version
- Inverter fan unit power supply from size 160 kW in the High Duty version and 200 kW in the Light Duty version with overload switch
- Motor fan unit power supply with overload switch
- Auxiliary circuits with relative protection
- Flashing doors open indicators
- Controls on door: Machine ON button Power indicator lamp Reset alarm button Local or Remote switch Local motor operation button Motor running indicator lamp Stop motor button Alarm indicator lamp Emergency mushroom pushbutton
- Inverter programming keypad on panel door
- Automatic line circuit breaker with minimum voltage coil
- ADV200 inverters with integrated EMC filters (compliant with EEC Directive - EN61800-3)
- Line choke (integrated as standard in ADV200 inverters up to size 132 kW, external for bigger sizes)
- Fast-acting fuses to protect inverter modules for sizes from 400 kW in the High Duty version and 500 kW in the Light Duty version
- Inverter fan unit power supply from size 160 kW in the High Duty version and 200 kW in the Light Duty version with overload switch.
- Motor fan unit power supply with overload switch
- EXP-SFTy-ADV safety card: designed to implement the STO (Safety Torque Off) function to prevent unexpected motor start-up. The card meets the requirements of the following new directives: Safety Integrity Level SIL 3 according to EN 61508 and EN 61800-5-2. The safety card can be used to implement a Category 0 emergency stop function when the drive is connected to the power supply, according to EN 60204-1. When ordering the safety card, please specify the required SIL so that the external circuitry can be engineered accordingly (for the Ready to use version only).
- BUS interface: GDnet, CANopen, Devicenet, Profibus, Ethercat (Modbus RTU integrated as standard)
- Expansion of digital and analog inputs/outputs
- Encoder input/repetition card. Interfaces are available for TTL/HTL digital incremental encoders, Sinusoidal encoders, ENDAT/SSI/HIPERFACE absolute encoders.
- Output chokes
- Power contactor
- PT100 relay
- BUy dynamic braking module and braking resistors
- Service plug with 10 A fuse
- Service lamps inside panel
- Passive harmonic filters
- Dedicated EMC filter
- Customised doors
- One door free for use by customer
- Anti-condensation elements
- Cable entry/exit at top
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